Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business - SAM UEI: GKZWV4EQD1G2
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Why a Feasibility Study ?

As explained elsewhere on the site, the Feasibility study attempts to discover and describe opportunities, if any, that are available to a potential customer if our Computerized Temperature Control system is installed.
A successful CTC system installation requires a significant amount of engineering, engineering which EPM performs at no cost. This engineering is required in the analysis, audit, design, software development, and installation phases.
Additionally, any potential benefits of a CTC system discovered need to be segregated from benefits that would be available with simpler and older systems like Direct Digital Control (DDC) systems. Specifically, if no benefit can be derived from

  • an intelligent and adaptive electrical demand scheme
  • intelligent control adjustments derived from building awareness and predictions
  • and significant reductions in equipment "abuse"
then a basic (by comparison) building control system could be used. In these cases, the facility owner would simply need to put a control system out for bid, and dealers would come out of the woodwork with "canned" DDC system offers.
For these reasons, it is important to us to minimize the amount of resources we dedicate to a particular installation. The customer benefits from this decision as well.
The Feasibility study separates fact from fiction early in the process. This online version is a simpler version of that study that you can use to help determine if EPM should take a closer look.

The Feasibility Study

What is needed from you

There is a lot of information required for a completed Feasibility study. However, certain assumptions can be made in the first step of this work, so long as brevity is accepted.
Comparing the information on your utility bills to a few aspects of the facility will produce, in it's most basic form:

  • How much energy a facility uses,
  • How much energy it likely should use,
  • and if an opportunity exists

For this estimation, you will need:

  • a complete year's of utility bills (gas and electric),
  • the square footage for the facility,
  • and the primary use of the facility

What if an opportunity exists ?

If an opportunity is identified in the following page, it could be due to many factors. A determination must be made as to if, and how much, of this opportunity is realizable, and if a CTC system is needed to realize it. A representative can help with this.
For example, this online version does not consider:

  • whether or not you are presently performing nightsetback,
  • the type of mechanical equipment in use,
  • whether or not you already have a building controls system, if so what type,
  • the "severeness" of the year's temperatures and conditions,
  • or special use considerations, etc.

It only considers what the Department of Energy considers "efficient energy use", and compares that to your actual use.


This process is an estimate. More precisely, it is an estimate (many things assumed) of an estimate (Feasibility study). It is intended to give you an idea of whether you should be talking to us or not. For over forty years now, we have done this study in person. We decided to make a simpler version available for visitors. This decision was made to help our region combat industry "good ideas", and deceptive "smoke and mirror" engineering.
An email address is required to prevent abuse of our system, and to send you a formatted copy when you are done.
Since much of the information required for an informed is assumed here, we do not make any claims regarding accuracy.
We would need to be involved to refine the results. You may contact us at any time to accomplish this. You would need to provide us with the information in this form, or provide us with the bills you used to accomplish this.